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Rush Point Plumbing Blog

Blog Posts for Sump Pumps

Simple Sump Pump Maintenance Tips

April 5th, 2011 in Sump Pumps

We have been seeing many problems with sump pumps this first week in April. Snowmelt off is saturating the ground and raising the water tables.   When you add in April showers with an already high water table due to record levels of winter snow.  We end up with rising rivers and basement flooding. Your […]

Is Your Sump Pump Ready For Spring?

March 28th, 2011 in Sump Pumps

Our first day of spring was just a few days ago.  This year Minnesota had lots of snow.  With the quick melt off and rain in the future a work Sump Pump is a must.  A faulty sump pump can lead to basement floods and mold outbreaks.   Sump pump works on a float system so as […]

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