When a house is bought or sold in Minneapolis or St. Paul it needs a truth and housing inspection. Most houses in Minneapolis and St. Paul have Required Repairs (RRs) that must be fixed, either by the seller or the buyer. If you are the buyer and have assumed responsibility or bought (AS-IS) Minneapolis allows you only 90 days to get the repairs made. Rush Point Plumbing handles Minneapolis Code Compliance issues every day. Permits must be pulled for all plumbing and gas repairs and an inspection is than required.
Common items that require a plumber in Minneapolis for Truth and Housing TIS
- Outside faucets (hose spigots) lack Toilet Lack
- Toilet lacks an anti-siphon fill valve faucet (hose spigot)
- Laundry sink drains to the floor
- Drain pipes leaking, or abandoned
- Spout below the spill line of bath tub
Truth-in-sale-of-housing repair/replace list
Any Starred (*) item requires permit & re-inspection by City Inspector.
- Drain, waste & vent piping that is leaking.*
- Sink and lavatory traps; openings not plugged or capped.
- Floor drain clean out plug missing or not secure. Floor drain has no water seal.
- Less than 10 feet of water piping that is missing or leaking would not require a permit. Piping of greater length would need a plumbing permit.*
- Gas lines using unapproved materials or connections at appliances.*
- Gas lines not properly plugged or capped.
- Water heater temperature and pressure relief valve is improperly located or missing.*
- Discharge piping is plugged, capped or incorrect length.
- Water heater vent systems that have rust holes, are back pitched, have open joints or where back spillage is detected.*
- Plumbing fixtures that are cracked, broken or leaking* (dripping faucets not included)
- Plumbing fixtures entirely located within the basement, witch have no visible signs of proper waste or vent systems.*
- Faucet supply openings located below spill lines.*
- Laundry tub spouts installed with a threaded end and/or a hose connected, and all outside sillcocks having threads, must have an anti-siphon device.
- Toilets must be connected to water supply and sewage system and have an anti-siphon ballcock.
- Minimum number of fixtures required: At least one toilet, one sink and one tub or shower.*
These are all repairs we can solve for you at Rush Point Plumbing, call us today for an appointment and free plumbing inspection at 612-616-4000.