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Full service plumbing at an affordable rate

Servicing the Minneapolis & St. Paul Metro Area, Rush Point Plumbing offers both commercial and residential plumbing services. We provide qualified technicians and guaranteed work that is absolutely necessary when you need expert plumbing solutions.

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Sewer Repair, Cleaning & Installation Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN

Image Sewer Repair, Cleaning & Installation

When your drain backs up and smelly stinky water is all over your floor its time to call Rush Point Plumbing.  We can work around your schedule, because when you drains are slow or clogged drains completly it needs to be fixed right away.

We also have the equipment to break open your concrete floor and repair underground sewer pipes.  Our plumbers will remove and haul away the old concrete and path the hole with new concrete.  We always treat your home with care.  CAll NOW to schedule an appointment 612-616-4000.

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