Toilet services from Rush Point Plumbing includes toilet repair and toilet installation. We can help you with any sized project, from fixing a leaky toilet to helping with a whole bathroom remodel. If you are choosing a new toilet, we have all of the information you need including recommendations on the best performing toilet brands that you can purchase. If you don’t know what you are looking for, we can help you find the right toilet, sink and shower for your bathroom. Rush Point Plumbing provides free estimates for toilet installation, and when you find the toilet that you like, our experienced Minneapolis plumbers will pick it up and install it for you!
Rush Point Plumbing offers repair and replacement services for all brands of toilets and urinals. Just like everything else in life, toilets wear out and need repair or in some cases replacement. If your toilet is in relatively good shape it is probably repairable. If your toilet is more than 10 to 12 years old you may want to consider replacing it with a low flow toilet. The new low flow toilets flush much better than ones ten yrs ago.
If you are looking to replace your toilet, we highly recommend the American Standard Champion. It can flush 10 golf balls in one flush. Dont try 11 golf balls thats too much. However we can install any brand and style of toilet you prefer. Whether you choose round front, elongated, high boy (handi cap) or a one or two piece toilet we can assist you in making the best decision to meet your needs. We service and install all toilets, including Toto, American Standard, Kohler, Glaicer Bay, and Crane as well as many other brands so that we can offer you exactly what you need to fit you and your family’s lifestyle and budget.
New toilets work well
Most new 1.6 gallon toilets work noticeably better than toilets made just a few years ago. Many toilets sold today outperform old toilets. However be cautious of the extremely “low cost” toilets. The reason they are low cost is because they are an inferior product. These” low cost” toilets tend to need a plunger kept close. If you purchase a toilet in a box complete set for under $100.00 you are just looking for future trouble. They are ow quality and clog often. But sometimes in a finicaial crunch that may be ones only choice.
A toilet in your house gets many hours of use each week. Make sure you have a trouble free one. CAll us at Rush Point Plumbing for your new toilet install or repair call us at 612-616-4000.
We prefer to buy our toilets from Aspen Show Room, near downtown minneapolis, call them at 612-670-4999.