If your water heater tank is leaking from a fitting, it probably can be fixed. But, if it is leaking from the actual tank, such as a rust spot or seam, it may be time to find a new water heater. Many local residents in the twin cities area have a standard 40 gallon tank style water heater. A 40 gallon tank heater is adequate for a family of 4. With more than 4 in a household you should consider a 50 gallon or larger. In Minneapolis and St. Paul natural gas is your best choice. Natural gas prices are far better than electric, and the recovery time on a gas water heater is twice as fast. It’s easy to forget about your water heater. It sits in your basement or mechanical room silently and reliably putting out hot water. It’s easy to forget about it until something goes wrong. Water heaters are not as maintenance free as some people would like to believe. And if you have a problem, you need to contact a plumber. That plumber should be licensed, which all are at Rush Point Plumbing.
To make your water heater more efficient and save a little money on your electric bill, buy a water heater jacket to place around your tank. It will slow down heat loss through the tank. While you are at it, insulate any exposed hot water pipes. Before doing any of this insulation, check with the manufacturer of your heater to see if they approve of it
By putting these simple steps into effect, you can greatly extend the life of your water heater and improve its efficiency. By not forgetting about your water heater, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars and a lot of aggravation. But when the time comes and it eventually will, that your water heater has sprung a leak, call us to assist you at 612-616-4000.